Sunday, January 1, 2012

Starting a new year, and finishing an old project.

Happy new year to you and yours!

I’m feeling pretty excited about finishing off a work-in-progress, and even more excited by how it turned out. I posted some shots of my photo wall way back, and had assembled it on the study wall. Family loved it, but pointed out that I was the only person who could really enjoy it (which was my original intention, actually). Husband suggested an extended version would be just the thing for the dining room wall. And it was so!

Here ‘tis:  (photos are a bit dark, sorry – only photographable at certain times of the day when the light’s not hitting them directly. In retrospect, I probably should have used matt photos…)

The great thing about making it a family wall, rather than one just for me, was hunting out photos that reflected or symbolised our family life. There were unexpected gems everywhere! The photos with our names, for example, I didn’t even take – found them on my phone, after my girl had had a play with it. She’d formed the names out of  Silly Putty and then photographed the results. (Dreadful stuff, Silly Putty. Non-staining? Ppfftt…). And look at these!

Bottle of wine Aaron had in the pantry, and a fence post at a playground. (one of those fences where you can ‘donate’ a paling and have your name or business recorded as a sponsor). Brilliant. J

I’ve got enough tiles in waiting to put another row on each block, but I’ll wait till I have the right photos, rather than filler ones. Plenty of time, and in any case, it’s fine for now.

Off now to pack for family camping holiday. The plan is to leave by . I’m predicting ….I’m sure it will be wonderful, but it’s 41 degrees today, and enthusiasm is waning somewhat. On the plus side, at least we won’t be cold…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dani, Happy New Year - hope it is a great one for you with lots of opportunities ahead ;)
    The wall looks great - that must have taken quite some time - there's a lot of mini canvasses there!
    Hope to catch up with you sometime soon x
